
Staying on top form is key to the peak Snowbombing experience. Here are some top tips and tricks to look after your body and mind with the help of our friends at Festival Safe and All Ears…

Festival Safe: Your Guide To Staying Safe At Festivals

• Festival Welfare – Customer service will be available at the Europahaus. Drop in and see us if you need a helping hand or a friendly face! Welfare, security and medics will be available after customer service has closed.

• Snowbombing operates a zero tolerance policy to drugs.

• If at any point you are feeling unwell, no matter what the cause, always seek a member of staff to assist you.

• Look after your pals – make sure that your whole troop get up and down the mountain safely, and stick together at night.

• Be a friendly face in the crowd – if you see someone you don’t know who looks like they need some help, ask if they are okay and/or find a steward or member of event staff.

• Catch some Zs – By all means, stay up till the morning sun! But if there comes a point when your body feels tired, get that well earned rest.

• Well fed, well quenched – skiing till sunset, drinking alcohol and grooving till the sunrise can cause dehydration. Drink plenty of water!

• Protect yourself from all the elements – lather on that factor thirty sun cream to protect your skin, even if it’s cloudy. We also recommend wearing goggles or sunglasses with UV protection.

• Don’t be a bystander – If you witness any kind of antisocial behaviour don’t just ignore it. Report what you have seen to a member of the security team immediately. Be a friendly face in the crowd and help look after each other.

• Zero tolerance to sexual assualt – Sexual assault is never ok. If you or any of your friends experience this kind of behaviour you should report it immediately and know that it will be taken very seriously by police and event organisers. It doesn’t matter if you are intoxicated, you will be listened to and given the support you need.

All Ears: Tinnitus Awareness

 Ear plugs don’t mean you’ll lose the dancing bug… it’s a myth that ear plugs will ruin your Snowbombing festival experience!

Investing into high-fidelity ear plugs is investment into your hearing. Designed for listening to music, there wont be a beat out of place. They contain a filter that gives you a true representation of the music, but will reduce the volume just a tad to save your precious ears.

Read the All Ears guide to earplugs and buy the perfect pair of Party Plugs below…

Don’t Be a Bass Bin Head ?

Ringing ears. The sign of top volume tunes? They’re also the first signs of hearing damage. Don’t stick your head in the bass bins or stand too close to the speakers – you can get your groove on at a distance too!

Take Breaks ?

Give your ears a rest – they need it! Remember that hearing damage comes from a combination of loudness and exposure time. The longer you are exposed to a sound, the more likely it is to damage your ears.

They’re All Ears

For more tips and tricks on keeping your ears up to scratch, head over to our friends at All Ears – a campaign dedicated to protecting music lovers from tinnitus.
