This is our 22nd year in our adopted alpine home of Mayrhofen. We simply wouldn’t be able to put on the show without the cooperation, enthusiasm and dedication of the local residents, the tourist board, and our friends across the local community. Please treat the mountain with respect and help maintain our excellent reputation!

One of the great things about Snowbombing is that our festival site is a real village with real people living in it: butchers (oh yes!), bakers and, of course, ski stick makers.

Many villagers tell us their favourite guests during the winter season are Snowbombers. They love your dress (non)sense, the colour you bring and the way you act towards them and their home. “They’re crazy!… but they’re nice crazy”, is how one memorably puts it.

The respect you show, your manners and your laughter is the reason we keep getting asked back. You’re an amazing asset to have, so thank you in advance for using the bins, not dropping cigarettes on the mountain. From the way you interact with the kids who love your fancy dress to the old ladies who you make smile and remember their youth, we are always so proud of our Snowbombing community and we know this year you, our family, will not disappoint.

Don’t just ‘ave it: bring it, embrace it and love it. Welcome home Snowbombers!